Best Way To Maximize Preamp Tube Life?

I would love to learn how to best maximize tube life. Tubes have a limited lifespan, of course. So when you're not listening for a time, is it best to shut everything off to preserve the "hours" left on the tube's life? OR does the act of powering off/on itself shorten tube length as well? If so, by how much? Something like "powering off/on costs 3 hrs of tube life, so taking a music break of less than 3 hours, better to just leave it powered on." Or 1 hr, or 10 minutes, 6 hours, etc? Where is the tradeoff point?

In my system FYI, I am running a Don Sachs preamp with 4 6SN7s and 1 6BY5 rectifier.  Don says the preamp is only running the tubes at 40% of their rating. I would greatly appreciate some input from people with tube knowledge. Thanks in advance!
It only takes max 5 min for tubes to go into operational heat. Other stories about warming up for hours are just unnecessary hype for unaware and uneducated consumer -- so do your figures.

||Just don't use them and it will last forever||
isn't true at all, because your DC caps will likely dry out and fail often destroying tubes as well.
You can take the advice of the designer/manufacturer or you can take the advice of a random guy on an audiophile forum.  I say leave it on 24/7 and replace the tubes every 12 to 18 months.  This assumes you listen more than four to six hours daily and that the sessions are not continuous.
Turning a tube system on 2 or 3 times a day doesn't hurt it all.
That sounds about right. Thanks for joining the conversation, Don.

My amps turn themselves off after 30 minutes being idle. So I never tune them off manually. Sometimes I come back to listen within 30 minutes, sometimes I don’t.