Please recommend CD player w/volume under $5500

I'd like to get rid of my preamp and go straight from source to amp.

Seeking recommendations on such a player with quality sound.

Rest of my system consists of the new ESP Concert Grand SI speakers, and (currently) a Butler TBD-2250 (but I'm thinking about going for a Conrad Johnson 140 or similar).

Thanks very much!
I don't doubt that some CD driect to amp systems can sound great, but in my experience I have always preferred a quality preamp in the chain.
I also run a Granite tube output CDP directly into my amplifiers (AtmaSphere M60s).

Now, I have to say that I consider the tube output section of the Granite to actually BE a preamp, so that must be taken into account of my opinion. But, it also has a more traditional fixed, solid state RCA line level output as well. In the latter instance, I still run directly into the Atmas, and use a pair of Endler Attenuators to back off the volume. Depending on the music, my mood, etc., I will use the sunnier, more open tube output, or the more relaxed, liquid, weighty, and full bodied solid state - the ability to switch is a very nice feature of this player.

In no instance, of the preamps I have tried (ARC, Blue Circle BC3, Cary, Joule LA150, and some others), was I ever able to match the purity of running direct. The preamps always changed the sound, and I can see where some of the things they did could be welcome to some, but I never was able to match the resolution, detail, clarity, dynamics, slam, etc., but I without fail noticed more noise, haze, and grunge.

I will say the Behringer DEQ2496 unit I am playing around with now that Eldartford recommended to me has come the closest, by far, to having nothing in the audio chain. And, the ability to compensate for the frequency anomalies my room presents means it probably will be a long term fixture in my system.
If you can find one used a Conrad Johnson DV2B is a fantastic cdp for the money, is tubed and has a volume control via the remote.
The archives have a number of threads on the subject. While the idea of going direct from source to amp is pleasing from a conceptual standpoint, it is a matter of execution, and I have yet to find one I prefer without preamp. Personally, I have found that dynamics are almost always better with a preamp in the chain. CDPs using a digital volume control can be weak at low volumes. With an analog output stage, the question is one of power supply (if done well, it becomes a straightwire to preamp, as if you hardwired the output stage of your CD player to the input stage of a preamp). So far, the best CDP w/ volume control I have found is the EMM DAC6e/CDSD combo (but I have by no means tried everything). While very transparent, I still prefer my preamp in the chain... but I guess with all these types of decisions, in the end it is a matter of taste, and perhaps I just enjoy the colorations provided by the preamp :^)