EMM transport clarification

this is a quote form 'Positive-feedback online' reviewing the new EMM player.

"The results were no less than startling. As much as the DAC 6e Signature improved on the 6e, so did the CDSD Signature transport over the prior generation"

It was my understnading the renamed signature transport is unchanged form the prior transport except for the addition of a plastic drawer. Name changed to be comnsistant with the model line. I'm confused here. Could some one clear this up please.

Thanks for that clarification. Since my CDSD has been back from emmlabs, I could almost swear it sounds better ... it certainly is quieter too. I'm told the transport was not changed, but the software was updated. So, maybe that is what David and Fbhifi are describing
by the way congrats Jtinn...I saw that you have joined EMM Labs officially from their website.
Hey Jtinn...I have the old CDSD and DCC2...I have asked about upgrading to "e" vs "signature"....I was told that the former can be done but the latter can't" that I would have purchase anew as the "old" versions cannot be upgraded to Signature...is that correct?
Henryk: Thank you! There is no "e" upgrade. The only option you have is converting your DCC2 to the DCC2e Signature Edition.