I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.

At this point:

1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.

For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.

I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.

According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.

“ Don’t leave us in suspense, are there any prototype stones coming out soon that you will be beta testing? “

Sheer Gall Stones mayhap ;)
  • "Sheer Gall Stones mayhap ;)"

Now, now ... be nice. *lol*

No prototype stones at this time. However, you never know what the future holds, 


PS: I love your word usage of "mayhap." Are you an H.L.Mencken fan perchance? :-)
Frank, I would like to take you up on that visit but it's one hell of a long drive from Ireland :-) 

I have used the paste and at one stage had 8 mats in various places, sometimes 2 or 3 together under my Oppo, sometimes one under each component. I wanted what for me was a rather large outlay for something essentially arcane and nebulous to bring me great pleasure but what it effectively did, notwithstanding the more dynamic bass and great detail this provided, is to render my collection of digital files I listen to, to about 20%!  Prior to the PPT products I was listening to about 60% and enjoying the experience.

I have 3 mats in use now, 1 under my Wadia DAC, 1 under my DIY power amp and 1 under the computer. The mats have been moved around, completely removed and I still can't get rid of the brash unlistenable upper midrange.

By process of elimination I have to asume its the TC responsible or out of date TC

you’ve made your skepticism about these products, Frank, and his motives, very clear. Do you need to go on and on, like George?