Harbeth 40.3xd vs Graham LS5/5

Has anybody heard both the Harbeth 40.3 and the Graham LS5/5
i think the 40.3 has a more pronounced mid range - but i would live to hear thoughts if someone has heard both these speakers.
@echoz - you’ll probably love any of these speakers at this level of bbc monitor style and probably love the ATCs as well.  These are strong speakers that all will like and most will love.  No weaknesses of the smaller siblings, which are all great natural sounding monitors regardless.
As a Quad 57 owner for over 30 years, I finally gave up on them and purchased a pair of Harbeth 40.1's. Listening at the apex of an approximate isosceles triangle(about 10 ft. on each side) the 40.1's are almost as transparent as the Quads but of course can play much louder. Augmented by a good subwoofer and with DSpeaker bass correction, the resulting sound on vinyl can be spectacular(assuming a good vinyl recording)
[OFF-TOPIC, sorry - I don’t see a way to contact a member with private message for off-topic questions - any tip?]

How did you (physically) connect your DSpeaker box to your amp/or/preamp, and to the suwoofer?
I am considering this little affordable box to correct a subwoofer (yet to find) to partner my Harbeth M30.2 Anniversary.Thanks

@redwoodaudio could you please PM me? I can't so it, I don't know why

or can you write me an email (my address is dvlever@gmail.com)?

I have a question about Ls 5/5



I don’t dispute what @chorus heard, but here’s my contrasting experience. Listened to SHL5+ at Hawthorne in Seattle, in that brick-walled room with top-end Naim, and found them unbearably bright.


Old post. I have SHL5+ with mid range Naim. The Harbeth sounded most dynamic and lively with the Naim. Lusher, reduced treble energy and more laidback presentation with other amps. I prefer the presentation of the Harbeth with Naim.

I also favor the SHL5+ over M40 and 40.1 versions(I only heard these models) mainly for its versatility and sound quality. I find the bass output of the 40s to be not agile enough for my preferences. The bass of the M40s is full and deep but it isn’t quick enough. The bass of the SHL5+ shows better speed, sounding quicker and tighter. It’s lighter on its feet and goes sufficiently deep, good enough for me.