If all of those new amps in your stable are all single ended you may be disappointed with the BHK preamp. Both myself and several friends found that when run single ended the volume control makes a great deal of noise when used in either direction. The only way to mitigate it at all is to have fully gain and triode matched 12AU7 tubes which pretty much limits you to new production. I had no luck at all with 6 or 7 volt tubes over the four years I owned mine and found it's best mate to be the BHK amp and I tried many.
If all of those new amps in your stable are all single ended you may be disappointed with the BHK preamp. Both myself and several friends found that when run single ended the volume control makes a great deal of noise when used in either direction. The only way to mitigate it at all is to have fully gain and triode matched 12AU7 tubes which pretty much limits you to new production. I had no luck at all with 6 or 7 volt tubes over the four years I owned mine and found it's best mate to be the BHK amp and I tried many.