What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?

I am looking for the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K that will project a 3 dimensional hologram-like sound image. I am considering the Mark Levinson 390S CD player. I am open for suggestions concerning comparisons between this and other CD players of equal or better sound quality. Universal players are out of the running since I own only redbook CDs. The fickle finger of fate has not made up it's mind about the next generation of media technology. So until then I will be patient and enjoy what I have.
dodson da218 dac with a good transport will be a killer redbook playback. As good as it gets in its price class.
As one box players go, I really like my ARC CD3MkII, but it's ubder your budget. So may be ARC CD7 will be a better choice for you.
Redwood garden, you may also want to add to your auditioning list the TEAC X-03 SE which is in your price range when new. The X-01 gets in your range when used. Even though you listen solely to Redbooks, do not worry to much if a device sports supplementary formats capabilities. . . just choose the unit whose Redbook sound pleases you the most. . . . and remember. . . the 'best' simply does not exist!
Resolution Audio Opus 21 with GNSC mods is fantastic! The modified Denon players already mentioned are also supposed to be excellent, although I have not heard them. I used to a mod skeptic, but was blown away by the mdoified Opus. And, typically you save some coin going the modified route. Highly recommended!
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I bought enough equipment as store demos. At least the stuff I bought last several generations after their models were retired even. Perhaps if you go this route, you could get the real top end CD players and still are within budget. I am skeptical of private sales. But store demos seem pretty safe.