why do so many discussions turn contentious?

just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn  contenious and nasty?  do you guys find that constructive and/or enjoyable?  I have no clue who or how this forum is moderated, but I sure would love to see a stop to that...it makes me feel like this hobby is dominated by total jerks.

Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that  they often are subjective and biased.  
"if you dont have anything nice to say, say nothing"?  If you wish to disagree, do it in a constructive and mature fashion, no need for "argument ad hominem"...

with all the chaff, one must waste so much time finding the wheat, figuratively speaking.  

I doubt my writing this will change anything, but, like most social media, people writing to others without facing them does not bring out the best, sadly......

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My personal opinion is that the internet (and social media especially) has empowered those whose personality disorders would have previously held them shunned.

Said another way, everybody has a poisonous uncle or neighbor that everybody knows to avoid, but on the internet there’s an endless supply and no way to avoid them. Scarier yet is that all the poisonous ones seem to find each other as kindred spirits and are emboldened.

As a society we haven’t evolved fast enough to keep up with it.
It is the way of the “new world reset”. I liked to watch sit coms until they turned into social engineering so I quit watching them. I liked to watch sports as a get away for all the political bs on the news and tv. As soon as sports brought in the politics thanks to espn I quite watching sports. Whats left music, yes we all know through history musicians have made political statements but the difference was that music was trying to unite the people to push back against a tyrannical government. Difference now is that instead of uniting they are intent in dividing us and most modern musicians are now supporting the tyrannical governments. Case in point U2 I use to enjoy their music but tried to watch a concert and turned it off 30 min in. Was not going to listen to a billionaire tell me that everything in the world is my fault because I have worked my ass off to be where I am today and I do not want to give my hard earned earning to dead beats or billionaire politicians. I do enjoy this forum and when a link turns I just move on to the next one. Once there is no next one I will be done with the forum! 
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@tomic601 ,

"i am not a Bot, noway they would drink as much as i do…"

You’ve obviously not met Bender from Futurama!