Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?

I am putting together a vintage system. Just found on his site a pristine Sansui AU717 and TU717. Next I will add a Sota Star Saphire to a Luxman PX 100. I will be auditioning a pair of 1.5's Saturday and will try them with the Sansui but I am curious if anyone here has any experience with this manufacturer. I had never heard of them untill a local dealer had a pair for sale and spoke glowingly of these speakers. Before anyone thinks agenda, the dealer is also a good friend. I was drawn to the speaker because their looks remind me of good old Dahlquist DQ6's and DQ8's. Do they sound even remotely like the DQ's? Just seeking impressions from experienced folks.
I can tell you without a doubt they will sound far better than your VR2s. As Oldears said, you are indeed in for a treat.

The 1.5s will sound much better than you current VS speakers. You will NOT be disappointed, more like pleasantly surprised.

Thank you Shakey, but your comments may completely make me shy away from the Mountains. If you read my original thread, I am simply putting together a vintage system for which speakers is the next item. The intent is not to replace the VS', I never even mentioned them as this is an entirely different system!
Shy away if you must, but it's your loss. I only say this because I have owned the VR2s, so I'm not just blowing smoke.

And I did read your intention in your original post. But I think your secondary speakers will become your primary ones.

04-13-12: Bogiedr
Bombaywalla, I read your review and I was quite impressed. In fact your review had a lot to do with me even auditioning these. Having said that;
1. Do you think a Sansui AU-717 will be enough power? (85 watts, old school measurements)
Thank you for your kind words Bogiedr. Glad that someone found that review useful!
Roy does advocate some vintage hifi & IF memory serves me correctly he did mention vintage Onkyo. OTOH, I did drive my C1.5i with a 60W/ch Jolida 502A & did definitely did the job with some tube magic. So, I would say that the conservatively rated 85W/ch AU-717 will probably be OK. The speaker is a relatively easy 6 Ohm load so the vintage Sansui should not be stressed.

2. You mention set up, no manual found in the website, can you elaborate?
That's too bad! If you do buy these speakers, call Roy & ask him to email you an e-copy of the manual. He's usually happy to do so.
Well, in the manual Roy explains how to setup the speaker in a equal legged T where the distance between the 2 speakers = the distance of the listener from the mid-point of the speakers. And, there is also some guidance on how to move yourself back/forth until the image locks in. Plus, there is some guidance on ear height from the floor, etc.

Re. Shakeydeal - he's a friend of mine & a well-known person. What he's saying is really true - these speakers are very good sounding. I've heard Shakey's system when he has VR2. He's been thru many speakers since (more than you can shake a stick at) & of all the speakers available the Green Mtn speakers have sounded the best to his ears. So, please do not be disuaded by Shakey's succinct words - he does mean well & he's being honest w/ his opinions. Thanks. FWIW.