DAC for Olive musica

Looking to buy the olive musica music server and need a good dac. How about the bel canto dac2? Help is appreciated.
Dracule1..one question..have you heard it? This DAC complete sales for $1250. From all I've communicated with, this IS NOT a standard 1543 DAC.Proprietary developement cost. No one else can claim their digital playback equipment does what this DAC does..not even the most expensive cd players or DACs in the world. So for the fellows that can afford $15,000 cd players.. this unit cost peanuts.Charles can pretty much charge what he likes..he holds the patent.$1250 for claimed SOTA sound is a bargain...though a unit like this may piss a few off that have spent more and gotten less. Where I'm from they call this Playa Hating..LOL.
Gmood, you make a good point - I have not heard the DAC. I was not commenting on the actual sound of the unit, but the the unit's cost relative the cost of its parts. Yes, for those who spend $15k on a CDP, this is peanuts. But then again someone who spends that much on a CDP needs his head examined. BTW, for all the bells and whistles, the Attraction DAC is close to $1600 as reviewed on PFO.

"No one else can claim their digital playback equipment does what this DAC does..not even the most expensive cd players or DACs in the world." Based on the website, his proprietary work is not revolutionary. And yes, it's only a "claim", and it doesn't necessarily make a DAC better or worse. They're are DIYers out there who are just as innovative, if not more, who go against the conventional hype in high end. I'm not trying to discredit this DAC - but when there is too much hype attached to a unit, it usually just that "hype". My 20+ years in highend audio has taught me that. So like all things in high end, it's all a matter of taste. One man's treasure is another man's junk.

If this DAC lives up to its hype, I wish all the success.
Sorry James, did not mean to stray from the subject. Try looking into Scott Nixon's tube DAC, Ack! DAC, various DACs from LiTe Audio - they are all reasonably priced from $200-700.
My Olive Musica should come back soon with Bolder Cable modifications. I'll look for new Exempler DAC ($1699) or new Monarchy M24 DAC to pair it with my TacT 2.2xp...
BTW, the Monarchy M24 DAC is a rebadged, modified DAC from LiTe Audio. The unmodded LiTe Audio DAC is close to half the price. You'd be surprised how many US manufacturers do mods to a Chinese unit and rebadge and sell it for significantly higher price - one of the worst culprit being Red Rose Music and their rebadged Dusson units from China.