Canary CD100 tube vs Cayin 17 tube

Anyone care to give these 2 excellent looking players a compare? The Cayin uses Philips trans and has 4 out tubes/2 per channel. The Canary uses Sony trans and Sony dac. Canary also boasts they use the Hovland Music caps and other fine components. From looking at the guts of both, the Canary looks more impressive with those gorgeous Hovland. But the Cayin gives 2 tubes per channel. hummm could be a very interesting contest. Both are priced close, the Cayin you'll have to get used if you what it at the price of a new Canary/$1400. A new Cayin is $1600, but comming down. Another important issue among many members here is that Canary is made in USA in California. I'd like to get a canary and do a commpare with my 17. And end up selling one/or keeping both. One for a second system.
But that will have to wait as i am unemployed right now.
Any Canary CD100 owners wish to share their experience? I've alreday posted comments on the Cayin 17 recently.
I'd like to keep the compare between these 2 tube players as the price point is close. Both are hefty units at 50 lbs.
I believe the Canary is made in china, got a Pm from a member in Hong Kong. I had an idea the Canary was made in china, but the site does not say,
Anyone heard the unit? Or is it too new, no one owns it yet?
Ck out those nice BIG Hovland Music caps in the Canary. makes you druel now doesn't it :-)
I;m thinging now, whereas the cayin gives one extra tube per channel, that might not be enough to match the Canary's Hovland Music caps. IOW you trade off 2 little tubes for 4 large caps, and 2 small ones. The Canary will mostly sing more beautifully than my Cayin. Now it comes down to which dac/trans is the finer of the 2, the Philips vs the Sony. Or did someone tell me the other day its the same company.?
The list price of the Canary is $2795 not $1400. It is made in California not China. Canary and Cayin are separate companies. There is no sonic correlation between the number of tubes per channel and the capacitors used.

You need to do a little homework before posting.