How long is it taking to receive a preamp?

Just heard that timeline for a preamp is still very delayed.
getting better?
Seems dealing with manuf directly may be an upcoming way to do business.

dealers may be a relic of the past.

do listening rooms really matter? Most gear bought without listening first.

all drop shipped from manuf anyway.

Its always best to do business with people and organizations you trust. If you don't trust them or if they dont trust you, dont do a deal. Lead times are long from good companies with good products.

Regarding dealers, they are absolutely critical. Maybe not in the same way as in the past (retail storefront, multiple demo rooms, cash and carry) but they serve an important role. System matching, upgrade paths, dealers are important.

" Seems dealing with manuf directly may be an upcoming way to do business."

My experience has been with ordering direct from the manufacturers - speakers, preamp, power amp , DAC still required 50% up front payment with the orders, and pre-pandemic wait times were from 8-12 weeks for each. As others have noted, wait times now are even longer due to all of the supply chain disruptions which are impacting everything not just audio.

I find dealers get in the way. Manuf know more and u tend talking to them about product. Dealers r heavily biased. Some good but many arent.

further, dealers refer me to manufs. They want to limit involvement.

tough business.
Just drop ship to me.