The prototype fuses are breaking in very nicely. Last night's listening session was something very special indeed.

The projected release date is mid-October.

Stay tuned for more information.  

@oregonpapa I’ll definitely try it out at $199. If it bests the Violet, can’t really wrap my head around spending $1422 on the QSA red. 
I’ll say that Steven Tsang at QSA is a super helpful guy, despite somewhat of a language barrier. 
OP "The new SR Purple fuses made my SR Orange fuses sound broken. No hype, no joke"
All sounds like a joke to me! 
OP you never said your system sounded broken...well we did just have a full moon.
lalitk ...

  • Frank just to be clear….in your system, SR Purple performed better than QSA Black, Light Blue, and Yellow? So around $200, SR Purple is the new benchmark, correct?

The only QSA fuses I’ve tried are the yellow ones at $213. I had them in the amp and preamp. The SR Purple fuses are, in my opinion, and the opinions of others who have heard the system both ways, prefer the SR Purple fuse by far.
david_ten ...

Sorry for the confusion. I was just comparing the two fuses. No, the system didn’t sound broken at all. It was just a way to say that the SR Purple fuses are WAY better than the SR Orange fuses. Just a little hyperbole on my part, I’m afraid.

Honestly, I can’t think of a more cost-effective way to make this kind of an improvement in an audio system.


rsf507 ...

Your post from August 21:

  • "I'll be more mindful as well. This is/can be a GREAT community if we all just try a bit harder and be respectful to everyone."

What happened? 
