Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

Where in the chain is your red fuse? I thought you mentioned it somewhere but can’t find it. 
I would like to update on my Yellow fuses. I was still not happy with them at around 100hrs. Now around 160 hr mark I am really impressed . The constriction I was hearing is all gone. Great prat!!
I can say now the Yellows have surpassed the Blues 
I am using the red on a Lumin X1.

If you can, also apply the NPS 1260 on the end caps for even more improvement.

Thanks Ozzy

i have been using Stabilant, the stuff HIgh Fidelity was using. Is it similar to the NPS 1260?

Anyone trying out the Yellow fuses really do need to burn it in for at least 150hrs before they jump to any conclusions.

With the Blues I felt they were improving until around the 400hr mark . Which was approx 4 weeks in my system. 
There is a specific direction to put your QSA fuses in that I published somewhere earlier in this thread.  There was a lot of discussion on another thread which has disappeared today on a prototype fuse that is coming out next month.  Given the debate on that other thread I am willing to give the SR orange fuses another try but absolutely don't want to mess with trying to figure out which way the SR orange fuses go.  I am functionally blind and it is a pain in the ass for me to even install in the first place.  For the people with experience with the SR orange, is there a direction that you would start with or know that it works?  Would it be the same premise as QSA?