Linn Sondek- Origin Live upgrades anyone?

Just wondering if I could get some feedback from the Audiogon community, on anyone that has tried the upgrades  for Linn Sondek LP-12, that Origin Live has on their web page, and how they compare to others in the same price range, Im particularly interested in the Motor and DC power supply?
The LP12 was popular among the cognoscenti of the late 70's because right out of the carton it did NO harm to the music - and it cost a mere $450! Two compelling reasons to own one! Yes, Ivor Tieffenbraun found a way to extract money from the obsessed by promoting ever more expensive "upgrades" for what is still an excellent TT! Disclaimer: I use one in stock form - and am happy!
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@jasonbourne52 Since you own a stock LP12 ( not sure what that is...presumably you mean a LP12 Majik version)... why would you not believe that the Akurate model and/or the Klimax model are not superior? There are significant upgrades that Linn has done to the table over the years to increase its resolving ability and therefore its SQ. If you are happy with your status quo, that’s fine, just don’t naysay the upgrades, as they are truly that.
@daveyf : It's an early 80's LP12 with a Grace 707/Denon 103D. In fact my second one! Bought from an eBay seller in Britain a few years ago. My first one was a few years younger (late 70's) and it too had a Grace 707 arm with a Grado G1. So both LP12's are from the pre-upgrade era. I regret selling the first one about 15 years ago - though I did keep the 707 arm!
@jasonbourne52  If you get the opportunity to hear what the various upgrades have elicited over the many years since your LP12 was new, i highly recommend you do so. You may be surprised at how far the table has come since your vintage.