Need help buying new speaker cable

My Tara Labs Apollo speaker cable broke at the negative terminal end.  I will need to replace them.  What cables would you recommend?  I would like to know what cables out there would be comparable.  I would like to upgrade but they need to be affordable. A local dealer recommended Audioquest Robin Hood’s but they cost $2,000.  I just can’t spend that much money.  I am looking at Audioquest Rocket 88’s for $1,150.  Any ideas?  I would also like to know what the sound difference be compared to my Appolo’s?  I still have a difficult time you can hear a sound difference between one cable and another.  
Why don’t you just fix what you have? If its just a terminal, cut back a small amount to fresh wire and solder or crimp it back on. I must have like 3 soldering irons and 5 crimpers laying around...honestly, anything beyond say audioquest type 4 and the like is a total waste of cash....
Yeah.  If you like your present cables, surely a no-brainer to re-fix the termination(s) and save $$$$.
For a good connection I recommend soldering, not crimping.
Or, better, first solder then crimp tight.
Many cable-geeks do not look inside their speakers to see what cables they have there. They may spend a fortune on cables that they hook up to very cheap internal wiring. Placebo-galore.
According to the tech people on the recent Inspiration 4 All Civilian mission to space, as well as the NASA tech people, the only wiring they use in crucial applications in space is a mil-spec branded wire from a company called Analysis Plus, with the specific product line being the “Big Silver Oval Audio Cables.”  From experience I can tell you they are superlative here on earth, too.
If you like your current cables have them refitted.

Otherwise, all the brands mentioned our reputable. All cables including power, speaker and interconnects are important and there are vast differences between them if one knows what to listen for and differentiate. However, all marketing crap is just that. These all have to be put in your system and listened to.