Who makes the best subwoofer for music? REL or JL AUDIO? REL uses High level, JL AUDIO low level with EQ. Which will be better for music. 
I use my JL Audio Fathoms with Wilson Audio Maxx 2’s with the special Wilson Audio Crossover. What a difference it makes with the right equipment.
Seems like the people with the high end loudspeakers are using JL AUDIO.  Is REL Midfi?
I think that they are on the same level. It depends on how you want to Intergrade your system. I just trust JL Audio and being an American company, in-expensive and easy for them to repair. Honestly you couldn’t go wrong with either. Also the look for me matters as well. Both companies make exquisite pieces of gear. 
Seems like the people with the high end loudspeakers are using JL AUDIO. Is REL Midfi?......are you for real?...