Who makes the best subwoofer for music? REL or JL AUDIO? REL uses High level, JL AUDIO low level with EQ. Which will be better for music. 
Seems like the people with the high end loudspeakers are using JL AUDIO. Is REL Midfi?......are you for real?...

thanks for the opinion. If my JL subs fail for the 3rd time I might give JTR a try.
As for DIY just not for me. As an engineer for 20 years I sure I could figure it out (I dabbled in a lot of tech over the years in industry), but it just does not interest me. I want things as plug and play as possible. Creating things, tweaking software, etc just seems like work to me these days. But I really respect the big DIY setups, very cool for sure.
I have also remodeled two houses from the studs up and I just want to listen to music these days. No more construction, electrical, plumbing, no more projects for me.

“Seems like the people with the high end loudspeakers are using JL AUDIO. Is REL Midfi?......are you for real?...”

Don’t you know if your cables are not 3 months salary you have a mid-fi system lol.

I find much of the discussion here to be total nonsense and relate a lot to psychoacoustics

I bought a pair of revel and in the process of researching opinions I ran across a number of articles on Revel’s blind testing and found it fascinating. 

This recent video is good. Get better toward the end.

Anyway back on topic. It does not matter whether you go JL or Rel it is all about integrating it well. You need a highpass and you should measure your room or you will spend a long time dialing it in. 

Subs are super important these days as speaker prices are getting crazy and bass is very important. Even the newest crop of  mid sized speakers (Sopra 2/3, Wilson Sabrina X, Olympica III, Revel 228be etc, 803d3) have no deep bass. They rely on room gain and that never sounds a good as a proper sub or very large speaker. 
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I have two B&W DB4S subs and I love them. 1000w and 8.5Hz at -6db. Terrific for music and movies where you feel as well hear the sounds.

No worries with integration.

Great sound
Easy to position
Superb calibration controls

Requires phone & app
Limited Android support
Wrong side of the Atlantic LOL