
I am getting a new DAC soon.  I have to go on memory and my notes as I haven't heard any of the top DAC's that are on my list in ages or it's been their mk 1 not the mk 2 if you would.  I have spoken to a few dealers I'm close with as well as friends and a reviewer I'm close with.  The reviewer knows digital really well and we both know where our hearing differs from each other so I trust him.

My list (some used and some new with discounts):

Brinkmann Nyquist
Meitner MA3 (dealer sells Brinkmann and used to sell MSB and swears the new MA3 is better)
DCS Bartok (dealer carries Brinkmann and never brought it up in our initial conversation as he said Bartok for how it sounds and that they do the upgrades over the life of the product which I love)
MSB Discrete with built in 2nd power supply and the ProUSB dongle that does fiber optic isolation.

I have only heard the MSB Select and I loved it.  That was a few years ago.  I haven't heard the Discrete, but dealer swears that configured this way it's nearly what the Premier is at a much lower price point.

I know that Nyquist is loved by many of my 'analog' friends.  I have always loved Brinkmann tables and when I first heard the Nyquist original edition I was blown away and I heard it just weeks after I heard my buddy's DaVinci mk 2 as well as the top Lampinator.

I can audition the MA3 locally and if I like it best, I'll buy from that dealer (I try to never waste folks time)

I can probably find a DCS dealer near me (2 hour drive) if I want to go that route and I may.  

Just curious where this thread will go...  Begin:  ......  
Check out this: Khadas 2 Tone Pro Dac and headphone amp. $270.46 +$32.91 shipping from France by eBay seller "audiophonics_diy". Measures and sounds as good as any four-figure DAC! I have the first model - the KTB.
Post removed 
Aesthetix, but i am biased, Nyquist II, Lampizator..then MSB

i guess I own two outa four Pete…

i do need to hear Bartok in one of my systems…..

Enjoy the journey


That is super helpful.  I will abstain from commenting on the brands I am unfamiliar with.  

MSB would be a very good choice.  It is a very natural sound and the discrete may not be the be all, end all in terms of detail, it is very, very good. 

Bricasti would be an A+ Choice.  I have spend time with the M3 and M1 SE.  I am getting an M21 next when I clear a little inventory.  If the jump from M1 SE to M21 is in-line with M3 to M1 SE, it belongs in your considered set at $16K.

One I have spent a lot of time with is the Rockna Wavedream Signature. It lists for $17K with XLRs.  It is incredibly detailed and the sound is difficult to describe because it doesn't stand out in any way.  I was expecting one to come in on trade but their is a risk that may not happen. I do not have a demo right now.

Finally, I would look at the Playback Designs Dream DAC.  Like dCS, this DAC upscales everything but unlike dCS, it is very natural sounding and is not bright.  This is definitely starting to drift up in price and lists for $22K though.  

As long as you don't need an analog preamp stage all of these are very good options.  
You should see if you can demo a Mojo Audio Evo dac.  Based on your comments it seems like a wonderful match for your preferences. Ben can build it out with every upgrade you want. Natural sounding with an “at ease” realism that is rare in digital. It  also has a meatiness or muscularity to it’s sound that helps set the stage for great listening sessions.