Does anyone own the new KLH model 5 speakers?

My old speakers are having issues and as they are no longer made (VMPS) I can't get replacement parts so I am in the market for new speakers. I need something that does a really good job with voices as I use my speakers with my TV so watching the News or movies or whatever is on. I am interested in the new KLH model 5 speakers and was wondering if anyone has used them in this way and how they work. (Another option might be the Kef LS50's or something in that line of speakers.)
I tried the Wharefdale Lintons which I think are fun speakers but they do not work well for just watching TV. To me they seam to add kind of a plastic-y, brittle sound to mostly male but some female voices.  They also make male voices sound bigger than they are. (They add some warmth.)  I could live with warmth but the hard plastic sound would be tough as it sometimes makes it difficult to understand what is being said.  They do not add any sibilance that I can detect. So that is good. ( I'm very sensitive to sibilance and any hard addition to voices.)
If someone here tells me the KLH does not work well with voice I will likely try something in the Kef line.  

I know a good speaker for voice reproduction is the Harbeth brand. Just about anything in that line is good but I really did not want to spend that kind of money. Looking for one speaker to do it all well, play music, watch the news, and home theater. My room is 11 by 17 with the short wall being where my TV is located so not a big area. It use to be an extra bedroom turned into a dedicated entertainment room.    
Okay I have had the KLH for a while now and jonuiuc1 is correct. The KLH do voices and midrange very clearly. They are not the most accurate speakers I have ever heard in this area but they are very good. ( I think my Rogers LS3/5A and VMPS RM30's were better and bet Harbeth's and Spender's are also very good haven't heard any in a long time.) I also like the lower midrange and bass if the recording is good. I am not a fan of metal dome tweeters. This one is pretty good but I can still hear a metallic and or shrill sound coming from it on some occasions and I have it set to the lowest setting. (Maybe a cap upgrade will help hear as well.)
I too, think used Harbeths would be a better choice. Vandersteen too. IMO.

I have owned Vandersteens in the past. I know you can always do better but these KLH model 5's are pretty good. My VMPS RM30 had the most natural over all sound of any speakers I have ever owned. Once the midrange drivers started going bad though, they were not replaceable. And I would have had to spend a lot of money to get something that sounded as good to me. I wanted to find something different that would work for my small listening room that did not break the bank. Used Harbeths may have been a better choice however I listened to the Model 30's and just was not that impressed. Also they cost more than $2000 on the used market. These KLH are really much better than I expected. I might live with these for a long time.