DCM Time Windows - What Next?

So after a couple decades of ownership (~1975 original build iirc) one of my beloved Time Window towers has blown a woofer. Looking for recommendations on options to consider to replace these. Don't really have a preference between new/used but likely my ears will appreciate something with a similar soundstage and tonal balance. Budget under 3k.

Randy Cooley was a DCM dealer in the 1980's (when he managed one shop in a small Southern California high end chain, the name of which escapes me at the moment). When he opened Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica, he chose Vandersteen as his bread-and-butter loudspeaker line. I would give him a call.
Just Google "dcm time window replacement drivers" and explore some of the sites.
I have a pair in my attic, just sitting there. I imagine you could find a replacement.
I use a pair of the TW1A's. These have the improved OEM woofers with the round frames. Your's has the hexagonal frame woofers. Near impossible to find! Plus they may be glued into the baffles. I owned an early pair and used them without the black foam coverings. I sold them to buy a pair of newer TW's. Those I then sold two years later to buy a pair of Quad 57's. Now I'm back to owning a pair of TW1A's again! Still an excellent speaker that can compete with any of today's four-figure offerings! 
How did you manage to blow out a woofer? Those woofers are near indestructible! I suppose a Class D 1000 watt amp could do it! Why not just go to eBay and buy a pair of the TW1A's? They are even better than your early version! Mine are a late version - 52779 & 52780. I'm using a Sumo Andromeda with them.