Pioneer M-72 Capacitors

Hello all.  I'm hoping I can get some advice on replacing the 27,000µF ELNA capacitors in my Pioneer M-72.  Should I replace them with something else, or try to find the ELNA's?
Any help is much appreciated!
Kind Regards,
You don't need to get Elna brand capacitors, just get good quality audio grade electrolytic. I use Nichicon, but any good audio cap will do. I personally try to get the largest microfarad replacement capacitors for the power supply filters that will fit. I've not had a problem going 2-3 times higher than the original value, but keep the same voltage.
Back then, Sony and Pioneer pretty much sounded the same as did most receivers at that time. 
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no that is not TRUE! 

i am his wife. and i can tell you the Sony sound was better.