Still happily using vintage gear?

I was sitting listening to my main system consisting of an Audio Research SP8 preamp, NYAL Moscode 600 Maxi, Vandersteen 5 speakers, Thorens TD126MkIII with Sumiko Blue Point, VPI HW16, and was completely satisfied, again, with the experience. (Kimber 12TC, Morrow, Straightwire, AQ and Furman accessories)
All the equipment has been well cared for and kept in good repair: caps replaced, TT overhauled etc.
But it has an average age of about 30 years!
I love reading about all the latest gear, and lust after some of it dearly, but... I'm satisfied with what I have.
I'm playing with digital and having my fun with that, but I was wondering:
Is anyone else still happy with equipment that is now considered "vintage"?
(I don't think of it as "vintage", I just think of it as long-lasting!)
So... what's the oldest piece in your rig?
Mine is the Moscode. 40 years young.

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You definitely don't need new to sound great.  Glad to know there are so many that feel as I do.  My oldest is a pair of Altec Lansing A7-500's, with a receipt from 1958.  They remained boxed until I assembled in 2020.  The most musical speakers I've ever heard.  I will have to say that everything I've owned has its own signature sound.  This is reminding me of things I've let go of, one way or another and sorely miss.  I still look for the old stuff and always will.  It is interesting to combine with "new" and see where they take one another. 
*L*  "Inquiring minds"....

"You can't Handle the Truth!"

...well....we shall see. ;)

*Big Sigh, mostly stage-unworthy*  I'm not so reminded of some words of wizdum I heard, so very long ago....

Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
Would scarcely get your feet wet.
Fall not in love therefore. It will stick to your face.

Of course, I ignored it and a hellva lot more...🤪