How to get into high end digital? (Feeding a DAC)

I am looking primarily at the Schitt Yggdrasil or the Topping D90.
  • How does one feed those?
  • I am assuming any sort of CD transport would output the bit stream?
  • or… they get saved to file and played from some media player into the DACs.

Some example of what is commonly done would be great.

The system currently consists of:
  • TT —> Audio Research PH2
  • An old Nakamichi 5 disk CD player
  • TV
  • Audible Illusions line stage (New tunes on the way, but it still sound OK to me with the old tube in it)
  • Prima Luna (with GoldenLion and TS KT-120 one the way… and I might I’ll get the VTL mono blocks 100w/ch serviced)
  • Vandy 2C and Vandy sub

I also have a Home Theatre pre, which is Roon capable, on the way… So that maybe does some of this for me as well? 

But to be totally honest, the digital side is a bit of mystery to me.
I have always thought we plug in a CD player and the signal comes out. (Maybe with some nuance in DACs, clock jitter, and filtering to separate the higher end from the lower end products.)
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I'll jump in, with no answers but some suggestions.  In fact, i'll suggest that you ignore all specific answers nad spend some time learning.  "product X" is almost never the answer.

There have been a ton of excellent threads that several folks, me included have contributed to.  The bottom line is that you need to learn about digital interfaces at some level ( i realize not all are engineers), their issues, and basic approaches to fixing the issues.

A few resources are helpful.  he best, IMO is Hans Beekhuysen:
he's become the digital audio guy. he has an e-book out, and several (free) Youtube sessions on various topics. I assure you he knows his stuff.

John Darko has much simpler, though less meaty stuff, as is his niche.

You can also find and read the way-behind-schedule but meaty blogs at Sonogy Research. One is on why the digital interface is not in fact purely digital.  Warning: you must go back to your high school math which many of the youtube "bits is bits" pundits apparently forgot.

In the end, for both practical and sonic reasons i targe some variant of ethernet to USB, and to clean up that USB.  Much of this as to do with clean grounds/power, and ensuring low jitter.  The rest is mumbo jumbo.

In general I'd put SPDIF from a CD player dead last almost regardless of who's magic box it is.  And transport is just a CDP with the DAC bypassed and the solid i2S internal interface replaced with the timing-challenged SPDIF (no timing lead).

Enjoy the journey.
@holmz I advise finding a dealer that suits your needs, style and preference from anywhere in the country. There are many who are terrific in supporting their clients, irrespective of location. Some are especially strong in modern (current) digital system building.

A resource to start with are the threads in this forum that list recommended dealers. You can also evaluate some of those dealers based on their posts in the digital related and focused threads.

I suggest speaking with at least three and going with the one you have the best gut feel for.

Given your lack of exposure and experience with digital, a guiding hand will likely prove invaluable. It’s also the best way to demo the units within your own system, once you establish a relationship.

BTW, a good friend has the Merging stack and is extremely impressed. It’s outside of your budget but performs at a level significantly above the two DAC models you have been focused on.

I encourage you to think beyond a single component...the DAC in your case. It’s critical to have a comprehensive consideration / approach for everything from the incoming ISP signal through to the DAC.

All the best and good luck.

Find a local audiophile or dealer who has achieved "something" with digital and learn from them.

Good one…
  • There are no dealers near by.
  • The one that I am most familiar with (In SoCal) has the Merging+.

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