Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp

The power cord looks really cheap for such a quality amp. A polarized 2 prong male end to plug into the wall and only 2 prongs on the amp. What can I replace this with and not be unsafe? Seems all aftermarket power cables have 3 prongs.

Go to my virtual system for pictures.
The majority of ground loop problems are predominantly due to magnetic fields and coupling of those fields.
No, that's not at all true. A ground loop - by definition - is two or more paths to ground of different potential. (Voltage.) It is as simple as that.
 I have not had access to try any for a free demo…
And yet, here you are. Every day, several times a day

I agree with millercarbon. My CAT SL1 sig pre amp have 3 pong in to pre amp but don't conect with any inside. They explain, that make a best sound.

And all components for intenal Japan power cord have  2 pong.