Big Brother Watching over Us (again)

Oh, Oh! Somebody stepped on a protected vendor again. 
Darn it I missed the names too which is why I am bent a little.

If the moderators just published a list of those vendors
everyone would know who to avoid talking poorly
about. Okay Mods we are waiting.

Publish or perish.
Some common sense on the part of AGon, obviously.

For effective free speech to prevail there are some pragmatic issues to be addressed.  I can imagine that nearly every vendor at one point or another has had at least one disgruntled customer.

Should every such vendor be named and shamed things would become so dilute and unfocused as to become meaningless.  There is a much better and well known publication for that kind of trial by social media.
Your point has validity but I prefer to have all sides
presented and then make my own decisions.
Sooner or later everyone ends up on someone’s angry/bad list.

Problem being we are much much much more likely to rant about problems than we are to rant about the good side of things.

IE, most of your life is fine right now, but no.. we’re concentrating on the much smaller percentage that is not right. we are alive, we breathe, we continue, we eat, we move around, etc. Yet we rant and whine. Human nature.

The idea of having a list of the companies, or people, that are tricky to deal with or once were a problem to deal with ...will, via the fundamentals of human nature, eventually encompass every single atom in this universe and any other possible or speculated dimension.

So it’s a bit of a useless negative minded endeavor to even try.

It is the folly, the bain, the fundamental error of the negative proofer - the folly of the negative proofing mindset.

Where, when times get tough or a bit more tricky to navigate, the negative proofing mindset ..... doubles down on it’s projections of violence to all outside of it. Until, finally the peaks of it... it flails about and kills all things it finds strange, or different, that might be it’s path. Repairing the given outer world projection through violent attrition.