Consonance Droplet

Need feedback on this player. I have a good deal on this CDP but never head it. I'm afraid it would sound like a Shanling CD T100, anemic 2D, and polite. Comments would be very helpfull. My last CDP was a Cary 306 SACD.
I've owned this a year...anything but anemic and prior was a BAT VKD5se and feel the Droplet is superior in everyway....much more tuneful and robust bass,great imaging and staging...plenty of detail...I have yet to encounter an owner who didn't feel the same way...I can't imagine the Shanling would compete...not familiar with your old Cary.And I also find the Droplet's unique design to be appealing. BTW the build quality is as good as it gets. Prior to the BAT I owned a Wadia 830 and that was good but definitely 2D presentation.
Tomahack - I've owned my Droplet for about 6 mos. and if Larry's favorable (and accurate)comments were not enough, let me just say that it is probably the biggest over-achiever in reasonably priced CDP's currently availble. It is smooth, musical, and full sounding. The complete polar opposite of anemic, IMO. (It actually beat out my Audio Aero Capitole Mk II - no easy feat).