Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I've been everywhere, and to tell the truth, if it wasn't for vaccinations, I'm not so sure what I would have caught. I have seen a few friends suffer the effects of malaria and it's not pleasant. Hepatitis outbreaks, or any water born sickness is bad enough. Add contact but also close proximity, like SARS, it add a new problem.

I pick up my Grandson at his 1st grade class. They had to remind people to the point of calling the police about close proximity, mask, bringing children unmasked.

They say outside you don't have to wear a mask UNLESS it is a close school environment. Gymnasium, Stadium or gathering points.

It was funny one guy kept saying, he was talking on the phone and the person on the other end couldn't understand him, the reason his mask was off. LOL 400.00 ticket 4th or 5th warning. I haven't seen him sense.
He demanded that ticket, no kidding.. Dressed in all black 35 years old, wore clothes that were Vet/looking, Navy I'd say.. You'd think an out of the country Vet would know.. Bullets are bad, DISEASE is worse..

Remember Polio, man alive, it was the plague when I was a kid.. Who would protest against a polio cure. Remember there was a LOT of weird experimenting going on for MANY years.. South America. Hmmm...

I took every shot they had including for pneumonia, I opted for no shingle shot. The only one.

I bet the flu season will be like last year, low body count, because of SARs requirements.. Mask, hand washing, 6 feet.. It works.. Always has..

NOW don't drink the water.. :-)

Heavy - my wrestling coach had polio… it was devastating.

public health is the greater good, it transcends the juvenile selfish

Our friend will have her breach  baby in the ER because the selfish red state team Idaho anti vac crowd has overrun the Seattle hospital system 
Honestly, I wish it were not so politicized, it is a killer…

That said, the very beginning of this year I had gone through two straight months of Chemo, three treatments total. Granted during that time becoming vaccinated was just coming to the forefront for the masses. But in fact, not one staff member at C-care had been either, even at the complete END of my therapy. February

My family is completely vaccinated but I on the other hand…that’d be a negative.

I swear I caught that virus before any of this blew up…

But I ate a tremendous amount of dirt growing up and still do. If fact, I recall even some dried dog food as well. No, really!

@isochronism ,
"This was only ever about getting the mass population vaccinated, ie: to gain control of and to reset society. True"

I would have considered this viewpoint as crazy some 17 months ago. Sad to say, nothing that I’ve witnessed since then indicates to me that it is.

The blunt truth is that the population of the world is clearly growing at such rates that many believe will be difficult to sustain.

It is not beyond the realms of conjecture to believe that some of these people have already taken actions to counter this.

As for the role of big pharma and its seemingly endless greed, it’s no surprise to me that it will naturally never seek to cure.

Rather more profitable for it to engender a lifelong dependency. All ages are welcome. The sheer numbers of children now routinely placed on medication should be considered a disgrace.

It’s also rather facile to attempt to denounce all of those opposed to the concoction that the likes of Pfizer are venally seeking to politically mandate.

I know of no one who would argue against all of the tried vaccines that have been in circulation for decades. Many of them have saved untold numbers of lives, as has the miracle drug penicillin without doubt.

However this experimental messenger RNA jab is certainly not one of them.

As @mahgister reminded us,
"The problem is that there is alternative to the vaxx, many treatments at very low cost...."