Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
Canucks0: I own a DV-50S and for the past two weeks have been breaking in my new UX-1 Limited. All I can tell you is that the difference between the 50S and the UX-1 Ltd is monumental, both in the audio and the video sections. Mind you, I was very happy with the DV-50S and I use it just for redbook and for DVD-V (so please don't ask me about the other SACD or alphabet soup options).

I think the DV-50S is a stellar performer and a piece of gear that will last you centuries. But I had a great opportunity to get the UX-1 Ltd and I just couldn't pass it up. I'm sure that you want to hear a detailed review but my reaction to the UX-1, stone cold, right out of the box was just "oh my God! Wow!" I did the classic double-take... It's amazing how much detail the UX-1 Ltd can suck out of a little disc.

Now, some may consider that too analystic or "dry" or "uninvolving" or all those other nonsensical adjectives that are bantied about but (to repeat) "Oh my God! Wow!" is the most succinct way to describe the UX-1 Ltd (and I would assume, the UX-1).
Hi. I just had an DV-60 on trial vs. a dealers DV-50 S as I´ve just upgraded from DV-50 S to UX-3 SE.

On SACD and CD I clearly prefer the stock DV-50 S over the DV-60 - which is - according to the dealer designed for optimized DVD playback. On DVD the DV-60 is - no surprise -better than DV-50 S as it offers 1080i with a Faroudja (wrongly spelled?) chip. BUT: The old DV-50 S is much heavier (8kgs.). 21,8kg vs. 14kg (DV-60).

Hope this helps.
Good God, maybe I should look at the UX-3 or UX-1 instead of the DV-60. 2 channel is 75% vs. 25% for video. What is the price difference b/w the DV-60 and the UX-3 and UX-1?
Canucks, I cannot comment on the differences among the UX-3, UX-1, or DV-60, but I can comment on the sound and video of the UX-3. I bought mine used, but it was apparently not fully broken in because it improved significantly over a 3 week period of running 24/7. My previous player was an APL3190 without all the most recent upgrades (not AKM DACS, but older Crystal DACS). I was pleasantly surprised on first listen with the UX-3. After 3 weeks it was not as organic sounding as the APL, but bettered it in dynamics, lows, and even the highs. I have finally broken in the statement level modifications that Steve Huntley (GNSC) did to my UX-3 and all I can say is: "WOW"!!!!! The UX-3 is clearly a great platform and very good in its own right. In stock form, it's a tossup between the older APL3910, but modified it has surpassed all of what I thought possible from a high-end player.