The extinction of human interaction takes yet another step forward...

I hate even thinking this, but as we “progress” in “society” it sure seems like each step “forward” brings us closer and closer to becoming the “Borg” from Star Trek where everything happens in your head and personal interaction becomes less necessary and thus more foreign.  I hope this stops or at least slows down at some point and the value of human interaction surfaces as something we want to preserve.  I find it sad, however, that this seems more of a hope than an eventuality the way things are going everywhere — even in audio.  Ugh.  Thoughts?

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@ho249.....I suspect that organizing even an online event has 'upfront' costs, if only for the electricity used and those that burn it.

$25 for a nice 6 pack isn't unusual anymore, and PTV movies are stretching for that.....;)

Think of it as 'infotainment', as it goes down better...*L*

*L*  If I was in a hurry (i.e., 'impatient'), I'd be 'there' by now, as you'd be. ;)

Ones' tastes in audio grow over time and experience, tempered by $s' and the situations one experiences.  Wine is a decent example...

White/Red/domestic/imports/'bubbly'/new/aged/etc./ad infinitum....

Not all read reviews, the few that can 'taste' the nuances can afford the elysium of it.  Most might be drawn by name or just the label graphic.

Did you read or hear a review of your 'sig other' prior to?

*LOL*  I doubt it. ;)
Yes, one can 'preview' audio gear given opportunity and desire.

Most are still surprised in one manner or another as to the performance of same in their space with their existing devices.

Not surprised indicates one thing, the flip another; the call of that depends on the individual making it.

Expectations are like Hopes more than Assurances of success.

I'm pleased with moi' junque' overall, because it only has to please me. ;)