ATC SCM150 (or JBL Synthesis) (or JBL vintage) (or new Klipsch Jubilee)

Hi. My name is Juan. I'm from Spain. Sorry for my horrible english... 

It´s a pleasure to be on the Audiogon community.  

Many months searching webs, forums, shows, videos, "expert" opinions, "commercial" opinions, sellers with "interests", sellers "without any interest"... Hi-Fi world is a long trip, a difficult trip with "shine" products and (at least) a five digit price... A jungle for rich men. A paradise for the new economies. Another "economic bubble"....

If you are a person like me, with little knowledge, it´s easy to be scared...

I'm looking to set up a hi-fi system. I'm using Qobuz streaming service (no CD´s and no vinyls).  

I like so much ATC. Is one of the few brands that have all my trust. They are a legendary brand but most important, they are a brand that goes "against" the market. They are a brand focussed on the professional market and for them the most important is the sound.

I´m really interested on the SCM150 speakers (tower version). I have exchanged some messages with the technichal department of the brand, but I would like also to hear the expert opinion of the audiogon community.

Some questions. Thanks in advance for all your recommendations:

1) How would you describe ATC sound?? For me, they have the best mid of the market. Some people call this sound as "neutral fidelity". Neutral sounds (instead of warm) it doesn´t to have to be negative. On the contrary, is a virtue to my eyes. But in your opinion, it could be exccesively analytical?? Could cause fatigue??

2) What´s your opinion about ATC bass in general and the SCM150 bass in particular??

3) Active vs passive. Most of the people (it doesn´t surprise me) seem to prefer the active version or active sound. As you know, the SCM150 can go with the P6 amplifier (it doesn´t goes in this case on the loudspeaker box). What´s your opinion about this amplificaction in particular?? What´s your opinion in general about the active version?? It is your personal preference?? (there was a nice thread about this item:  (audiotroy and lonemountain seem to know so much about this brand).

4) If I go with the active version I will need a preamplifier. You will go with Solid State instead or valves (the "particular" sound of valves could be counterrproductive with this speakers that reveal any imperfection and they are also speakers that need power)??

5) I see great combinations with Spectral pre. Some people also recommend Bricasti, Simaudio seems also to suits... I would like a pre that gives some "warm" and musical sound to compensate the neutrality of the ATC. What would be your recommendation?? Please specify brand and model. I want a nice piece at the level of the SCM150.

6) What´s your general opinion about ATC speakers?? It would be one of your first choices??

7) In the comparison with other "professional" brand as JBL Synthesis (K2 model for example) what would be your choice??

8) In the comparison with some JBL vintage models from JBL what would be your choice?? I´m talking specifically about Henrick Sound customs 4344 and 4351 (vertical version of the 4350). Any thought??

(webs Kenrick: and and;

(model 4351:;

(model 4344:

9) In the comparison with the new Klipsch Jubilee (I talked with Roy Delgado and they are supposed to be on the market at the end of the year) what would be your recommendation?? Yes, I know that are not yet on the market so no one has been able to hear them but as a horn technology and according to some other models (for example Kilspchorns) what we can expect?? Is Klipsch really at the level of ATC or the JBL´S.

Thanks so much to everyone. Your comments would be very helpful to me.

@millhomes, I love big speakers for the same reason as you suggested. Big speakers present dynamics big and effortless. And I have listened to a lot of ATC, Tannoys & Altecs. Here is one simple thing you need to know.

ATC SCM150 is a big speaker and it needs VERY BIG room or at least a very well treated big room. It has a prodigious bass which takes over the room. In comparison the SCM100 is much more easy to use. It sounds like a monitor and fills a big room "nicely", without overwhelming. And sonically the 100 and 150 are in the same level. The bigness of 150 is just too much. On the contrary the big speakers from Altec, JBL, Tannoys do not overpower the room even though they have big drivers. They can sound intimate in a 250 - 350sqft room, just like SCM100. Careful with 150!
I've tried a number of very good lines stages (ATC, Coda, Herron) with my ATC SCM100ASLT speakers. So far I like the Zesto Audio Leto Ultra II the most.

I too would recommend the active ATC 100 over the 150 unless you have a huge room.
The preamp should be a neutral and natural one. CJ GAT, ARC Ref 6, Wavac PR-Z1
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I don't think the preamp needs to be anything specific.  One of things I personally love about ATC actives is they sound very different with different inputs.  A tube preamp will make them sound very warm and "tube-like". If you want an all tube sounding system, you use all tubes in front of the ATC actives and YEP- there is that tube system sound.  A very clean solid state preamp makes them sound like straight wires and ultra clean.  If you want to hear how different an old SPA3A is versus a new Macintosh, nothing shows you that difference more clearly than a set of ATC actives. 

 ATC actives are designed to reflect changes in sound in the studio so an engineer can hear what no one else can.  This what I thought  Audiophiles want as well as they explore their system.  The low distortion idea of the ATC actives makes every change easier to hear, including cable, sources, phono cartridges, tonearms, turntable platforms, converters and on and on.  This gives the user even MORE possibilities to experiment and continue the hobby than passive systems do.  
