Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
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Sorry guys I have to apologize. DV-60 was used on wrong polarity. Problem is fixed and DV-60 is now as good as DV-50 S on CD/SACD and better on DVD.
I didn´t spent to much time comparing the video capabilities. In short: DV-60 is def. better than DV-50 S on video. DVD-A was better with UX-3 SE - although I just compared two DVD-A´s (Kraftwerk and Michael Jackson).
What exactly is "wrong polarity" and how did you figure out this was a problem. You have done a total 180 in your comparisons? I am a little confused, please elaborate?