Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
carp, I do appreciate your response. I am no virologist by any means. Although I DO fully understand the scenario behind our current situation. Many are being DUPED!  The true information is literally in everyone's pocket. It is not found on the couch watching TV. Love you all!
That was going to be my second point.
Whatever he read twisted the fact that influenza often leads to bacterial pneumonia. There are even suggestions (by legitimate sources) that bacterial pneumonia may have been responsible for more deaths in the 1918 outbreak than the flu itself.
And miller, thank you for that. Sincerely.
Stick a sock in it @isochronism , the wacko conspiracy BS is getting old. Either you are correct and we are all whistling happily along until the end of times none the wiser OR you are wrong and we are still whistling happily along. In either case, the sad news is you awake each day hoping for the worst so that you can be right. What a miserable effing existence.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled programming of a Zen-like appreciation for each day and for those with whom I had the opportunity to imteract.
I am no virologist by any means. Although I DO fully understand the scenario behind our current situation ’Many are being DUPED!’
It would appear from your previous statements that you are among them.

Sorry, ghasley. Felt it necessary to make that one point. Not very Zen, but I’m two Shirley Temples and a bubble tea over my limit...