Power Cord & SPDIF Coaxial Recommendations For Audiomeca Mephisto CD Transport

Have just gotten an old Audiomeca Mephisto  CD transport.
It's hardly written about anymore as it is ancient and so was wondering about good matches for it power cord and SPDIF coaxial wise.
Budget? Without that every suggestion is pretty much moot. While I’m not a big fan of Audioquest’s IC’s etc. I do like their SPIDIF and power cables. I use other PC’s these days, but it was Audioquest that made me a PC “believer”. I use a Blue Jeans coax with my transport, currently. I’ve used other, more high end cables and for the most part, little difference. They use very high quality cabling. You get options to install exactly what you need. 

Research this player to find past written reviews. Then, decipher the Cables/Cords preferred by said Audio reviewer.
Another option, check the net for Audiomeca reviews, in general. Then, look for Cabling options utilized by Audio reviewers.

Happy Listening!
i have a Calif Audio lab Icon Mk 11
CD player with both digital and analog outputs

in my pre amp section of my Peachtree 150 there is only a single coax input
should I use the coax or the analog input?
I have a Cambridge CXN V2 streamer that has coax ,analog and optical outputs 
Which output from the streamer should I be using ?
my initial thought is CD to analog since it can’t go beyond 44.1khz and coax for the streamer????? Or optical ?  

Has anyone tried Blue Jeans Cable?
ive used them for several years
not costly but nice sound transfer