Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
Actually, it's a UX-3 SE. I'd have to put my 3 yr old on eBay (assuming someone would buy him) to afford the UX-1 limited edition.
Oops, looks like my finger slipped. My finger pressed the '1' instead of '3' by force of habit. Guido
I saw the light. After working with the DV-50s, I now use an Oppo 971H for video and SPDIF into a PS Audio DL III. Nirvana. The sound has more authority, spaciousness and smoothness. And the video quality is FAR SUPERIOUR to the DV50s in EVERY WAY.

I own this player for over than one year.
It needs a lot of beakin time (1000 hours or more).
It sounds better if you disconnect (from inside or outside) the earth wire. :)
Someone can try to set digital filter to narrow than wide.
CD direct option sould be enabled and video circuits set to off. A large diameter power cord will help too.
A little off point, but still relevant for those with a UX-1 or looking for better audio/video out of an Esoteric piece
I acquired a UX-1 several months ago intending for it to be modified into an APL-3.0 by Alex Peychev. Although I believe the UX-1 has the best transport made anywhere, my APL-3910 sounded better in my system than the stock UX-1. AFter long discussions with Esoteric and my banker, I decided to double upgrade the UX-1 by Esoteric - sonics to UX-1 Ltd+ level and Video to UX-1p1 level, including HDMI out. I also acquired an Esoteric Rubidium clock here on Agon. The UX-1 should be back to me in about a week.

Esoteric tells me that my setup should produce incredible sound. I'll report back if anyone is interested. I am also looking at adding APL's new DAC when its out in a few months - at that point, I will be finished. Although I will have invested a decent amount of money in my new front end, hopefully the result will be great sound (and video). I will also have the flexibility of separate transport, clock and DAC which should be more useful than a single box solution going forward into the digital/computer age of audio.