ground control devices

Can anyone share their experience with ground control devices, such as the CAD GC1 or the Granite Audio unit, used in a system with already very low background noise/hum?

@pauly yes the wires are connected FROM the grounding box to each component. Each component is still plugged into an outlet but the grounding box is a passive device and does not require AC to operate. 
I could not tell you if using the SGS while your own components are connected to the AC outlets if it will eliminate your noise issues. There's only one way to find out and that is to try. Where are you located?


(Dealer disclaimer)

I'm on the east coast however I am not (yet) interested in trying a grounding device. I am in the middle of a number of upgrades so my ability to discern the contribution from a specific product is probably close to zero. 

I am interested in how these devices work and how they are to be used,  as I believe it's worth pursuing once my ears adjusts to my "new normal".