sellers trying to sell used product for 10-20% off of list price

I don’t get it. Almost any item here can be bought brand new from a dealer with a full warranty for 20% off - virtually any and all high end product. Some can be bought for close to 30% percent off. Sellers trying to sell year old product for 20% off are delusional, perhaps hoping for someone to naively buy it at their price but I doubt it happens. If the product isn’t in the range of 40-50% off of MSRP I'm not sure why anyone would buy it as often the warranty doesn’t transfer. Factor in sellers asking for 5-6% extra for Paypal plus shipping charges and even a 30% percent discount really is more like 15% off of list- a non starter. Am I the only one doing this math  ?  I can buy brand new at 25-30% with no extra charge for using paypal or my credit card and minimal shipping. Asking for a friend lol.
I would split this between Dealers who are offering products that are Demos or lines they actively carry vs. hobbyists.  Some manufacturers have rules in how you list used goods.  Some prohibit it altogether.  You follow the rules or lose the line.  

In the end, a listing is just based on what the market will pay.  I just listed a used Hegel H390 (I am not a hegel dealer) for 20% off.  It sold in 2 hours at a small discount from that.  I look at recent sales in the Bluebook, other listings (TY HiFi Shark) and prices are driven by those recent sales.  

You can complain about the prices but if stuff is selling...
also lots of new gear now has a wait time of weeks or months, and people want their new gear Now...
Over the few years I've been an Audiogon user, I've been surprised that people list prices for their used equipment so high; most of the time I see those listings just languish, sometimes not.

What's anything worth?  Just what someone is willing to pay for it!

The way the real estate market these days where we live, it's difficult for me to say what something is actually "worth".