How hot is too hot?

When i leave my Parasound Hint 6 on overnight, it is hot to the touch (top grill), not warm, in the morning. There is nothing on the sides and 6 inch clearance on the top.I even tried switching the input to something nothing is connected to - like AUX or PHONO. Doesn't help. I have to turn it off now when i don't use it. No big deal, but it seems like something must be wrong to produce that much heat when not in use.

Is this normal? What part of the unit produces that much heat? What can i do?
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70 watts at an Idle, sure its going to be warm to the touch. That's 150.00 dollars a year to stay on. It's one of those you should turn off after using..

Think about leaving a 70 watt bulb on in a room it a bit of heat...

Will it shorten the life leaving it on all the time? Sure it will. Everything needs to be cycled OFF, if not just to cool a let the caps reform every now and then. Once a week is good if they run cool enough. If not shut down.

Normal, but as stated, there is no reason to leave that on all the time. Just leave it in stand by while not using. Try hot! My Pass amps run at 50-53° Celsius when fully warmed up. Nothing to worry about. 
Are we talking Neil Diamond Hot August Night hot, or Buster Poindexter Hot Hot Hot hot? Oh, Class A hot? Situation Normal.
I would have to say there's something wrong. I have a Hint 6 and it stays on 24/7 and I wouldn't say it's anything more than warm.