Thanks for your reply. Not many speakers claim to be aperiodic..
Dynaco A series were all of such design. I maybe sold a hundred of these back in the 70's. I new they had great bass for their size but didn't know why then but do now and I am trying to learn more.
A great device I used to tremendous benefit was a Mcintosh MQ series you could dial in a preset boost but my system was bi-amped then circa 1980. Tom AllegroSound * McIntosh MQ-101 Environmental Equalizer *
Thanks for your reply. Not many speakers claim to be aperiodic..
Dynaco A series were all of such design. I maybe sold a hundred of these back in the 70's. I new they had great bass for their size but didn't know why then but do now and I am trying to learn more.
A great device I used to tremendous benefit was a Mcintosh MQ series you could dial in a preset boost but my system was bi-amped then circa 1980. Tom AllegroSound * McIntosh MQ-101 Environmental Equalizer *