What is your take on Def Tech XTR60's?

I just purchased 3 XTR60's for my front, center and left speakers. They joined my Mythos Gems for left and right surrounds and all are hooked up to my Denon AVR 590 Reciever. I have a lame Boston Acoustic Best Buy sub that will get kicked to the curb for a SC Reference sooner rather than later.

So far Im impressed with the clarity and sound from the XTR60's. Bought it because I heard such good reviews from other sites. However Im curious to know what hardcore audiophiles think of them and what would they consider an upgrade to these speakers for music or HT.
As usual thanks Robert. You are right. Right tool for the right job. What would you recommend I get for a pre/pro and amp? Doubt I could swing both a Manley tube amp and pre/pro at the same time right now. Just dont have the budget for it...yet.
I own Def Techs for theater setup... I have never heard any sound good enough for dedicated 2-ch music.
I appreciate your opinion Audiofreak but Ill decide for myself if that is the case for my ears once I get a proper pre/pro and amp hooked up to it. I am at a learning curve now and Ive from a few Audiophiles, on here and off, that say other wise. So I kinda want to see for myself since I did plunk down the money for them.

I will definitely upgrade in the future but Id at least like to know what good mid-fi sounds like so I can really appreciate the high end stuff when I get around to it.

Appreciate your perspective but please tell me what you have hooked up to your DT's.
Running an older Denon HT receiver. For a theater setup, you already have good enough gear.... the speakers will make a bigger difference.
So you have just a Denon receiver driving your DT's...That seems to be the limiting factor for the speakers from what others like Robert who has DT towers have said. A better setup with these DT speakers would be a pre/pro and amp capable of driving the DT's. I will find out when I pick up a proper pre/pro and amp combo. My Denon at 75 watts cut out video or audio when I try to push the speakers. Id like to at least drive these speakers to their potential before panning them. My Denon is clearly not up to the task for music it appears.