Folks really truly have issues especially when politics come to play. They don’t do their homework, they just talk. I’m sure they also took place in the negative notion of Facebook, Twitter, etch and was highly upset that the system was shut down and they couldn’t rant, lol. I’m truly happy I don’t live in their bubble because if the world was the same, it would definitely be boring. As one said, some call themselves an audiophile and some truly have no real experience with some of the McIntosh products. They take their hatred and scramble it all together and label the company. By the way, I use different and the best products as I relate to how it sounds TO ME, lol. Here are some suggestions for all of the haters.
1. Enjoy whatever components you own.
2. Stop trying to convince anyone to join your bandwagon
3. stop hating the big company just because you like the little company. (I dab in both and don’t Discriminate)
4. Do your homework before you judge a product and the company as a whole. That goes for any company, not just McIntosh.
5. If you believe that all of these other companies got into the audio game not for profit, you have just displayed how much of a ignorant you have become and it’s ashamed. Don’t hate the player, hate the game as they say.6. Please find another site as I’m sure that Audiogon intended this site to be helpful to buyers especially new ones.
There, I said what some of you are thinking and my comments doesn’t pertain to this thread alone. It pertains to others as well.