This discussion has been removed....again!

Yes I was the original poster and did NOT request it to be removed. Didn't think there was much controversy other than the usual suspects. Very strange!

From Forbes: "Saying water vapor is a more important greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide is like saying the amplifier in a sound system is more important than the volume dial for producing the sound. It's true, in a literal sense, but very misleading. CO2 and other long-lived greenhouse gases are the volume dial on the climate, and the water vapor amplifies the warming that they produce."

Didn't see the thread but in many forums I have learned that if you criticize or insult a 'sponsor' you can kiss your thread and perhaps your a55 goodbye.  It about revenue, not a social  benevolence.
Maybe the moderators are fed up with bloviating "Magic" fuse promotors clearly in bed with certain manufacturers. After all, $200 fuses appeal to very few among us including gear manufacturers so they need the discussion forum hyperbole to unload product. Does Atma-Sphere Ralph put 'em in his amps? Somehow I think not...and if he does I wanna know why.