"Power Cords-More Recent"

Have a two old PS Audio power cords in my stereo system that I purchased used in 1999 when I lived in Dublin Ohio (don't remember the model) for about $400 each. One is connected from my CD player directly to a Panamax 6 Protection Path,  and the other is connected from my integrated Amp directly to a Panamax AC 5510 AC Regenerator. My ACRegenerator is connected to the Panamax 6 with an MIT Z Cord II power cord which is plugged into the wall. My question is does anyone know whether current power cords are significantly improved in sound quality to justify replacing my current power cords with new ones? I don't intend to break the bank so $400 each is as much as I want to spend. I am using Kimber speaker cables, digital and interconnects throughout my system so in addition to Kimber I plan to  look at power cords from Audio quest, Morrow and Wireworld. Also, Should I just connect both power cables into the ACRegenerator and stop using the Panamax 6? Your thoughts please.
OP I would be careful using MIT with it's filters and then plugging into further filtering or a Regen with filters. I use as little shielding as I can get away with. I would feed the regen with a beefy unshielded cable and come out of it with the proper size for the component without shielding..

IF the component is prone to noise, or you have RFI, EFI issues in your area, add shielding to your power cables, otherwise it can sure dummy down the sound.

I use simple weaves for noise reduction on every cable I use, NOW.
The back ground is dead silent... I might spend 400-600.00 total on ALL the cables in a system NOW.. Speaker, ICs and PC..

I did just spend 14.00 dollars on a new SCAT 8 cable that whipped the pants off my 220.00 fancy (gift) CAT 5. :-)  Thing do change..

Yet another ***** post from our Jason Bourne friend who cannot help but post in all cables forums although has zero interest in trying any cables. May I suggest finding another hobby? This is very unhealthy for you dude

jasonbourne52There is no scientific/engineering proof that AC cords differ sonically. Ditto for power conditioners 
We could look at it scientifically. All the power cable needs to do is supply a constant voltage at a single frequency.

The only possible benefit of using high end power cables is when shielding is employed to reduce EMI emanating close to equipment, which is absolutely worthwhile and indeed crucial.

Interconnects are entirely different as all frequencies need to travel at the same speed at widely varying voltages with high speed voltage changes. As with power cables, adequate shielding is critical but it needs to be connected to a central earthing point rather than introduced to one side of the signal, especially when unbalanced (not doing so is relying on antiquated inadequate techniques). Get that right and you are on the way to a fantastic system.
Yes there are newer that are better, even for the same money. I have some myself, both the older and the newer. I would not however recommend doing it that way. $400 will get you several QSA Light Blue fuses, or two Synergistic Purple fuses, either of which will be far better than any improvement you can possibly find from a lateral power cord upgrade like you are considering now.  
I probably have the same PS Audio power cords that OP has. They are in my system for 20 plus year until I changed to the top line of pc from Cullen. I was surprised how much improvement they made on my amps. I ended up add a more expensive pc to my power generator and again, the improvement was a big eye opener.