Something For The Fuse Guys ...

There are fuses, and then, there are fuses. 

I'm evaluating some prototype fuses that I received in the mail three days ago. 

Over the past few years, I've used fuses from five different manufacturers. The last three were the Red, Black and Blue fuses from Synergistic Research. Each one incrementally improved the sound of my system. My favorite so far was the SR Blue. 

The prototype fuses being evaluated presently raises the SQ beyond all of the others mentioned above. The major improvement to my ears is better tonal accuracy. Instruments and voices are more life-like. The noise is reduced allowing for a more solid 3-D presentation with the musicians more solidly presented on the sound stage. Overall, more information is fleshed out of CDs and LPs. 

The manufacturer, the price and the name of the prototype fuses will come later. I don't have the information thus far. My understanding is, if all works out, the release date is to be mid-October. 

Stay tuned ... 

  How much time did it take the Synergistic purple fuses to break in ?  I use orange in everything now but have ordered a purple for my amplifier as well for 2 Foundation Research pc/ conditioners that run to my Martin logans which makes a big difference soundwise from the logans.

    I look forward to getting them after reading your favorable comments. If I like what I hear I will do the pre and phono stage probably as well.
simguy ... 

They sounded really good right out of the box. Much better than the SR Orange fuses they replaced. They continued to improve over about 50 hours or so. I think you'll like them a lot better than the SR Orange fuses, and that's saying a lot because as you know, the Orange fuses are not chopped liver. :-)


In your own words, can you describe the sonic difference(s) between SR Orange vs. Purple? Feel free to cite musical passages that explain the context. This is something that is not provided readily over on the QSA thread(s) ?

Happy Listening!
Post removed 
Thanks for that description on the SR Purple fuses. I’ve been looking for a review of their new fuse. A coworker and I have been discussing getting the SR Orange fuses the last several weeks to try in our systems. Our systems are very different from each other both in level of equipment and approach to music reproduction. We thought this would be an interesting experiment to try. Also, I have the SR Foundation cables in my system and know they make high quality product that works. Do you think it would be worth trying the Purple fuse at just the amplifier level to start? We both think the cost difference between the Orange and the Purple is minor enough to try the new fuses.  
