Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
jond has less than not a clue. Can’t be this ignorant. He is on ignore for eternity. A disgusting game-player. This is a joke to him?????
So it is coming out to more people slowly realizing it was only a flue all along. The BIG push is STILL for vaccinations!! What is so important about vaccinations (poisonations) for a flu that has past??? 🤔 You don’t understand their Agenda yet???
World domination and enslavement of the masses…….obvious isn’t it?……….
The authoritarians must go full steam ahead and continue with their boot on the face of the global population. They can never remove it. If they do, then the next crisis that comes along, people will not comply. That's why they are doubling down and tripling down all around the world. If they back out now then there will never be compliance going forward with anything.

Big Tech made so much money from the lockdowns. They WANT them to continue.
Big Pharma made so much money off of the vaccines and now boosters.They WANT them to continue.
Politicians realized the benefit of the virus on election day. They WANT it to continue.

Yesterday I was having dinner with a friend. She commented on how the previous guy was a dictator and I almost spit my food out. 

Today it's companies over 100 employees must have them vaccinated. 6 months from now  it's going to be companies over 50. Then it will be EVERYONE.

In my company, you can still be unvaccinated and keep your job. However, it will be an additional $200 a month in health insurance and $540 a month in weekly testing. So, at $740 a month just to stay on at your job, they are basically forcing you to get it. 

Make no mistake, it's coming. What you see in Australia is coming here. My fear is that America is gone. The America that people fled their oppressive countries for is not the same country today. We are witnessing her die in real time.