Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
If I’d have told you 5 years ago that the police will shut your businesses down, for 2 years straight, arrest people that go more than 5 kms from their place of residence, brutally arrest people less than a block outside of their homes because they are not wearing the proper face attire, cops would put people in a coma because they are having a conversation with their friends in public, stop people from crossing state lines to meet their family, outlaw travel completely, arrest people for organizing protests, arrest people for posting on social media.
If I was to tell you that countries would have heads of state that would be telling people that they would not be allowed to have any job, period....unless they took forced vaccinations.
You wouldn’t be able to enter stores, get on trains, planes, go to a grocery store, browsing in grocery stores would be made illegal, cops would arrest kids for being outside their homes, they would shoot peaceful protestors with rubber bullets to the face for just being outside.
You would have called me a raving lunatic, and would have told me to get myself checked into an insane asylum.

how far we have come.
@devilboy  as God is my  witness....I have been saying since the start of this  whole thing, the real pandemic will start "AFTER" the vaccinations. "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" ADE,  will the buzz word of 2022. 
Stay strong, you are not alone. Quite a many people see through this, and more are  waking up everyday. 
What you see in Australia is coming here.
Currently all inoculation and testing is free. Quick tests have been developed that will cost under $2AUD.