matrix 803's.. i have chance to buy... worth it?

hello... i have a chance to buy a set of 803's and a matching center channel. i use my speakers for home theater only. i currently have cdm cnt 1's for the front and a 600 series center. if these matrix speakers are in good condition, my questions are
1) are these much better than my newer cdms? i have a sub...
2) how do these rate to the newer 800 nautilus series... not the diamonds can't afford them right now...
3) what is a good price for them? was thinking if i do not like them maybe i could sell them to help with the nautilus purchase. they are the black finish...

thank you for the help
Are the 803's the latest M version - Series 2. What is the price ? Many years ago (?) I used to have a HT Room with 803 matrix s2 front right and left, and 805 matrix center channel and rears.
i do not know the series yet... already asked via e mail.... he said he is the original owner and bought ten years ago... they are under 1k for all three.
Can you not listen to them?

I think they are almost twenty years old so they may need new surrounds soon, that would be my biggest concern.

You may get more bang for the buck with an older model like the Matrix, I am sure they will be a pretty good product, most B&Ws have been.
i do not know the series yet... already asked via e mail.... he said he is the original owner and bought ten years ago... they are under 1k for all three.