LED dimmable lights in audio room?

I am getting ready to redo my audio room/home office.

I am going to redo the ceiling tiles in here and want to wire up some dimmable LED lights (the "can"-type ones).

I would also like to put them on a dimmer. 

Any electromagnetic interference/distortion/static types of issues that you could foresee doing that?

Just wondered if anyone has done this before.

Thanks in advance.

I’ve got a large room I use for 2 channel listening and my office.  Aside from listening to music I’m also into photography.  I have 24x36” prints mounted as well as concert posters I have framed etc.  To light all these I installed LED track lights that are controlled by a dimmer.  
I have ZERO issues with noise on any of my circuits and can dim the lights with zero buzzing or flickering.  The key is you need to buy a good quality dimmer designed for LED.  Specifically you want an electronic low voltage dimmer.  I bought a Lutron Maestro MAEMLV-600-WH.  This is a very expensive dimmer but is the ONLY one I found that didn’t cause an audible hum with the LED track lights I installed. There also doesn’t appear to be any sort of noise on my AC feed to my equipment, whole system sounds great.

Not all LED lights are created equal. My kitchen LED lights creates a lot of interference with FM reception. Putting a ferrite bead on the antenna lead 100% cured that issue. I once had a multicolor LED light strip which I fooled around with- that also caused noise on all inputs.