Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC

Hi there,
Wondering if anyone out there has had the opportunity to A/B the Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE and the Prima Luna Evo 100 tube DACs.  I am looking to get as close to vinyl as possible while either streaming (Qobuz) or playing CD files from an Aurender N100H....nuts I know.

Currently using my Moon/SimAudio 260D CD player as DAC with Curios Evolved USB as interconnect from the Aurender.

Are there other tube DAC (or solid state) options I should consider at about the same price point?

Thanks all.
PrimaLuna amplifier testing complete. The same - no clear winner that I could discern when SPL meter used. Other two listeners said the same about the McIntosh test, but were NOT there for the PrimaLuna test.

We are all in mid to upper 50s, so hearing may be affecting results.
I may bring in a cheap Schiit and Schiit Gungnir to compare against my Rega DAC. That is as far as I will take this test, if I even go that far.  I may or may not post those results if and when I do such test(s).

During the tests, I listened very closely hoping to hear differences.  That is NOT how I normally listen to music.  
I just want to relax.
Sure I like details, but am more concerned about overall 'musicality' of the music.  I would prefer a non-harsh, non-fatiguing (aka: headache inducing) sound.   I could not hear any noticeable differences that made any one of the 3 DACs stand out. 

As always, YMMV...

Hmmm, I upgraded from the Rega DAC-R to the AM III SE and there was a significant difference. Just a suggestion but maybe there is a component or cable in your ststem that is normalizing the sound? 
Format is Redbook cd ripped to an external hard drive in .aiff format. Played back via iTunes into one of the 3 DACs hooked into the integrated amplifier. I use the Mac to select which DAC to use as playback device. I'm using USB input on all 3 of the DACs.  Both AM & PL claim to have good USB input. 
Any ideas?

Just for verification I hooked up my Rotel CD player which allows my to bypass its internal DAC using 75 ohm coax digital cable.  So now the comparison was Rotel DAC vs AM DAC vs PL DAC.  Same results.  Could not tell the difference between the DACs.
I've nothing terribly insightful, but do own a couple of Vlad's older DAC endeavors and they are quite good.  The new one should be dynamite.  I've listened to the Rega and it is competent, not particularly detailed or dynamic.

I guess I'm saying something in the chain may be amiss whilst not hearing discernible differences between these seemingly quite diverse products.

Currently run a high end R2R ladder DAC and have never looked back.

Congratulations on the AM pick.  It will reveal your smart choice upon break-in.