Class A into Class AB

What is the goal of a designer who makes intergrated amps that have class A for x amount of watts before it goes into class AB? Are there any examples of this being implemented well? I get this feeling that it’s kind of just a marketing thing...where people think they are getting some quality class A without the very high price tag. I was particularly looking at the CODA CSiB amps where you have three choices of how much of your first watts are class A. I have since found a few other respectable brands that implement this as well. I have yet to come across anyone who has heard much of difference between AB amps and one’s that’s state "first X amount of watts..." Class A/AB. Anyone have any experience with these kind of integrated amplifiers? Just looking for a little bit of understanding as I’m trying to upgrade my amplifier.
It is not marketing hype. From what I understand the class A/B switches on and off. This lets you have more watts with less amps. It is more efficient and therefore runs way cooler. Most designers bring in the class A just above or below that point where the switching is so you have better sound and don’t notice the gap. So at normal or regular listening levels you are in Class A. When you go higher or the music becomes more dynamic the class A/B takes over. 
If you play in class A at 8 watt with high efficiently  speakers ( > 96 db) than , in your listening room, the music is playing  loud . You do have a beautiful high-mid-low . If you measure the volume in your listening room,you will be around 4-6 watts : many thinks, the amp performs much more. ; so , most of the time, you play in class A, and I’m totally agree with what the previous ones say about class A properties: heat……
Since amplifiers typically operate at lower output levels than their power ratings, the higher the class A wattage rating, the more it operates in class A, so there is or can be an advantage for higher class A ratings in an otherwise class A/B amp.
I have designed and constructed a number of power amplifiers, including one capable of pure class A operation at 100 watts into 8 ohm loads and one capable of class A operation up to about 20 watts into 8 ohms although it can output 120 watts at 0,1% THD.
Both amps sound fine.  However, it is nice to know that one can provide class A operation at 100 watts.
The price is that the power dissipation in the output stage of a class A amplifier is twice its power rating.  The 100-watt class A amp therefore dissipates 200 watts under no-signal condition, so heat-sinking is critical.  For that reason, that amp was constructed as two monoblocks in separate enclosures for stereo use.  The two get quite hot, but no failures in over twenty years of operation does mean it is practical to build pure class A amps capable of respectable output wattage.